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Windows 10 usage inches up — but gap with Android is widening

Posted May 1, 2017 | Windows

Microsoft’s charge to modernize its products can be described as lethargic, at best. April saw tiny gains in Windows 10 usage, while Edge flatlined. The bigger news is that since overtaking Windows in popularity last month, Android has since increased its lead.

Depending on whose numbers you trust, on the desktop Windows 7 still has half the market, Windows 10 has about a quarter, and Microsoft’s heavily marketed Edge browser registers as little more than a rounding-off error.

NetMarketshare—which counts unique monthly visitors to its sites, and weighs scores to adjust for country variations—says that Windows 10 usage worldwide nudged up less than a percentage point last month, from 25.36 percent in March to 26.28 percent in April.


At the same, Windows 7 usage time floated down from 49.42 percent in March to 48.50 percent in April. If you’re counting nits, Win7’s usage in the past year has bobbed between a high of 49.42 percent (March) and a low of 47.01 percent (last July). Every month has been well within spitting distance of the 50 percent mark.

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