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Windows 10 Tip: Turn Off Share Pane Advertising

Posted April 3, 2017 | Windows | Windows 10

I just discovered another advertising vector in Windows 10, via the new Share pane that debuts in the Creators Update. Fortunately, you can turn this one off too.

As you must know, Windows 10 is teeming with advertisements, and it’s getting worse with each version. I’ve explained why Microsoft has chosen this dubious strategy, but what users really need to know is how to turn off this baloney.

As it turns out, that’s my job. So in tandem with an update to my book Windows 10 Field Guide, I’ve published a few tips here on to help you clean up the OS. So be sure to check out Windows 10 Tip: Turn Off File Explorer Advertising and Windows 10 Tip: Turn Off Lock Screen, Start and Action Center Advertising, which together cover most of the nastiness.

Most, but not all. Just this morning, I discovered a new form of advertising in Windows 10, and this one debuted with the Creators Update: If you attempt to share files from File Explorer—using the Share pane that almost no one even knows is there—you will actually receive an app advertisement.

Oh, Microsoft.

To be fair, this type of thing could be useful to some people. In that sense, it works a bit like some other ads—sorry, “sugggestions”—that Microsoft sprinkles all over Windows. But whatever. I want to get rid of this. But in looking through all the options in Settings, I couldn’t figure out a way to make that work.

And, my, aren’t there a lot of settings for “suggestions” in Windows 10? Just not for this one. For some reason.

Anyway, Microsoft’s Jen Gentleman was nice enough to post the answer on Twitter: You just right-click on the advertisement in the Share pane and de-select “Show app suggestions.”

Crisis averted.


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