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PSA: Windows 10 S Insiders Receiving Windows 10 Pro Instead of S

Posted January 4, 2018 | Windows | Windows 10 | Windows 10 S

Here’s a quick public service announcement, if you are running Windows 10 S and are in the Insider program, be aware that when you are shipped a new build, it will likely move you to Windows 10 Pro.

I’m not exactly sure when this change happened but I was able to confirm the issue by taking a Surface Pro running Windows 10 S, enrolling it in the Fast ring of the Insider program and updating to the latest build. After doing so, my machine was running Windows 10 Pro, instead of Windows 10 S.

While this can be considered a big issue for those users who are adamant about staying with Windows 10 S, I suspect this won’t impact too many users. That being said, if you are running Windows 10 S, it’s advisable that you do not enroll in the Insider program until this bug is fixed.

I did ping the Insider team about the problem, so they are at least aware of the issue.

[Update] Things are a bit odd here, Windows 10 tells me this is Windows 10 Pro installed, the watermark says that this is Windows 10 Pro installed and some users can install 3rd party applications and others can’t.

Thanks for the tip @qvsdeveloper

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