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Microsoft Backtracks on Blocking Office VBA Macros by Default

08 Jul 22 | Cloud, Office, Office 365, Windows

Microsoft is backtracking on its plan to block all Office VBA macros obtained from the Internet by default. The company […]

Meta Stops Requiring Facebook IDs for its VR Headsets

Meta will no longer require customers purchasing its VR headsets to log in with a Facebook account to use them. […]

Twitter Starts Testing ‘CoTweets’ Feature

07 Jul 22 | Cloud, Social, Twitter, Windows

Twitter has started testing a new CoTweets feature which lets two users co-author a tweet. Instagram already has a similar […]

Microsoft to Release New Outlook Lite App for Android This Month

Microsoft is set to release a new Outlook Lite app on Android later this month. The app will provide a […]

Google Pushes Workspace Closer to Microsoft Office

Google has announced an interesting set of updates to its Workspace suite of cloud-based office productivity solutions. Key among them […]

Google Creates New Public Sector Subsidiary

28 Jun 22 | Cloud, Google, Google Cloud, Windows

Google announced today the creation of Google Public Sector, a new division that will help US public sector customers to […]

Microsoft 365 Bug Bounty Program Now Offers up to $26K Rewards

Microsoft announced last week that it was increasing rewards for some of its Bug Bounty Programs by up to 30% […]

Back to Google Fi (Premium)

After two years with Mint Mobile, I’ve moved my phone number back to Google Fi. I’ll miss hearing from Mint […]

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